Shabhaye Mafia Zodyak f 2 gh 1
The new series of Mafia Nights called Zodiac is different from the previous seasons and the good news is that this time the audience can participate in the game and predict the stages of the game during the broadcast of this game show.
Performed by: Mohammad Bahrani
Author: Saeed Nafisi and Sina Qalich Khani
Danlod Va Pakhshe Online
Actors of this group:Farzad Farzin, Malika Sharifinia, Siavash Khairabi, Omid Hajili, Abdullah Rawa, Shahram Qaidi, Mohammad Shabanpour, Mahia Dehghani, Fatemeh Masoudi Far, Arash Falahat Pisheh, Shida Yousefi and Hossein Mehri.
Editor:Alireza Biranvand, Javad Khayabani, Omid Hajili, Soroush Rafiei, Mona Karmi, Asif Arya, Shida Khaliq, Hadis Miramini, Fatemeh Masoudifar, Shahram Qaidi and Ashkan Delavari..
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