Setare bazi
The true story of the life of a twenty-year-old girl who immigrated to America with her parents as a child due to winning the lottery and…
Director’s name: Hatef Alimardani
Genre: Drama, Social
In the last decade, Ali Mardani has become one of the most prolific filmmakers of Iranian social cinema, although unlike most filmmakers who are so-called concerned with social problems, this director follows a different path.
Set and costume designer: Majid Mir Fakhraei, make-up designer: Roksana Razavi, sound engineer: Cambiz Farahani, sound engineer: Amir Hossein Qasemi, special effects: Mohammad Lotfali.
The most important advantage of Alimardani is to find subjects and situations that happen under the skin of society and in the course of daily life;
For this reason, it can bring the stars of Iranian cinema closer to the people of the streets and markets and those whom we may see around us every day, and by showing the dark side of the characters, it can distance them from the common customs and slogans of Iranian cinema.
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