Gol ya pooch 08

Gol ya pooch 08

The rules of the game are simple and easy; Every time a goal is scored by one team, the opposing team must guess the goal with three “game blanks”; If he guesses the goal, he can play, and if he doesn’t guess, one point is given to the team that kept the goal; But if the opposing team that wants to guess takes a hit and does not waste any hand, it gets 2 points;

Producer: Ali Asadzadeh – Conductor: Mehran Modiri

Director: Nik Yousefi – Genre: Competition, reality show

Danlod Va Pakhshe Online

What are mud or pooch playing cards? In each hand of the game, in addition to the fact that each group is allowed to give three empty orders, it can also use one card; Cards containing some instructions to help the guessing team find the flower more easily

The free stone card of the free sparrow: This card helps the guessing team to open another hand that they suspect if they make a mistake once and don’t guess the flower correctly;

Big Ball Card: This card helps the guessing team to instruct the opposing team to play with a bigger ball instead of a normal ball; In fact, playing with a bigger ball becomes more difficult and the goal is revealed sooner;

Sound ball card: Sound ball card is one of the most exciting cards in the game; Because it helps the guessing team to take the goal back from the opposing team more easily because the opposing team has to play with a ball that makes noise with every move.

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