Zed 11
The story of the series takes place in Paris in 1986; During this period, a group of tourists enter this city and are suddenly kidnapped by spies.
Execution: Majid Vashghani
Producer: Saeed Abutaleb
Danlod Va Pakhshe Online
In the first season of this reality show, 30 actors and artists from cinema and television will compete in groups of 10, and leading actors will face each other in the final stage;
The series portrays the struggle between spies and anti-spies.
Actors of this group:Maryam Momin, Amir Mahdi Jholeh, Bahar Ghasemi, Elika Abdul Razzaghi, Behnam Taskar, Ali Salehi, Amir Kazemi, Armin Rahimian, Farzin Mohaddes, Vahid Aghapour, Ali Sabouri.
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