Aghrabe Ashegh 20
In addition to narrating an attractive and spectacular romantic drama, this series also depicts unique visual effects. The filming of this collection was done in Tehran and the eastern cities of the country, and another part of the work goes towards the visual effect space.
Director: Hossein Sohailizadeh
Genre: Drama, Romance
Author: Amin Mahmoudi, Hamed Afzali
Danlod Va Pakhshe Online
This series is made in the fictional, romantic and social genre and deals with many social problems of the society such as envy, lies, etc.; This series narrates a story that has not been on the home television network until now, and it is supposed to present something different to the viewer in terms of form and content;
Behdad dies Everything ends for him and those around him. But some time later, he is looking for blood in the streets of Tehran, blood for the scorpion…
dameton gaqrm babet zahamat va khadamateton.
mamnon mishim zod be zod ghasmathaye serial haro bezarid..